Tuesday, October 25, 2011

You Might Be A Zombie And Other Bad News by The Editors of Cracked.com

You're going to wish you never picked up this book.
Some facts are too terrifying to teach in school. Unfortunately, Cracked.com is more than happy to fill you in:
* A zombie apocalypse? It could happen. 50% of humans are infected with a parasite that can take over your brain.
* The FDA wouldn't let you eat bugs, right? Actually, you might want to put down those jelly beans. And that apple. And that strawberry yogurt.
* Think dolphins are our friends? Then these sex-crazed thrill killers of the sea have you right where they want you.
* The most important discovery in the history of genetics? Francis Crick came up with it while on LSD.
* Think you're going to choose whether or not to buy this book? Scientists say your brain secretly makes all your decisions 10 seconds before you even know what they are.

I loved this book. It was funny, inappropriate and at time disturbing. It was a very fun read!

You Might Be A Zombie is a compilation of articles from the editors of cracked.com. It is full of little known facts mixed with the undeniable humor and wit of the writers. Some of them are a bit gross or disturbing such as, "The five most horrifying bugs in the world" or "Five horrifying food additives you've probably eaten today". Others I found incredibly fascinating, like the origins of fairy tales (the story of Sleeping Beauty was not originally as sweet as Disney portrayed) and all of the facts about the human brain.

After reading this book you will be full of knowledge that you will want to share with everyone you know, maybe just to feel smarter than them.

I highly recommend this book.

5 out of 5 stars

BUY IT HERE: You Might Be a Zombie and Other Bad News: Shocking but Utterly True Facts

Have you visited cracked.com yet? If not you should. It will give you even more hilarious lists to entertain you.

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