Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Misanthrope's Guide to Life (Go Away!) by Meghan Rowland and Chris Turner-Neal

Misanthrope, n.: 1.) One who hates mankind; a curmudgeon; a loner; 2.) The guy in your office who responded to your e-mail of baby photos with "D-. Passing, but not college material"; 3.) A Realist

Just the description alone made me want to read this book. I have my moments of, "I hate everything and everyone" so I really wanted to read this. And it was worth it, for the most part. There were parts that seemed to be taken right out of my brain at times. Others, I just thought were great ideas.

The book had me from the start. I laughed out loud several times. About half way through it, though, I got bored. It was almost like the authors ran out of things to talk about and just started randomly throwing stuff in, just so they could have a book. Also, if you get the e-book version, be prepared for a lot of punctuation errors. It drove me nuts, which is kind of ironic, actually.

The book has a lot of strong language, a ton of f-bombs, and can be pretty crude at times but it is funny. If you don't mind those things and you have those thoughts of, "I hate you all," I suggest reading it. It is fun and very fast. It is the perfect book to put on your coffee table or in your bathroom. You can read little snippets at a time, have a good laugh, then move on to other things.

3.5 out of 5 stars

BUY IT HERE:The Misanthrope's Guide to Life (Go Away!)

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