Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Wonder Spot by Melissa Bank

Nothing comes easily to Sophie Applebaum, the black sheep of her family trying to blend in with the herd. Uneasily situated between two brothers, Sophie first appears as the fulcrum and observer of her clan in "Boss of the World." Then, at college, in "The Toy Bar," she faces a gauntlet of challenges as Best Friend to the dramatic and beautiful Venice Lambourne, curator of "perfect things." In her early twenties, Sophie is dazzled by the possibilities of New York City during the Selectric typewriter era -- only to land solidly back in Surrey, PA after her father's death.

I'm not sure I understand the point of this book. Or if it even had a point.

The story is narrated by Sophie Appelbaum as she tells us about the mundane events of her mundane life.

Sophie is a boring and unlikable character. She trudges through life and doesn't learn anything from the many varying relationships she has. There is no growth in any of the characters actually. Everyone goes through so many changes in their lives but not a single one learns anything from them. It's pretty frustrating.

I didn't like Bank's writing. It was simple and not in the good way I have mentioned before. Nothing ever caught me and made me want to read more. There was no climax and it was cliche after cliche. So many people were mentioned throughout the story too, most of which just dropped out of it. It was hard to remember who was who. There were times when Banks introduced a character like we already knew them when they weren't previously mentioned. It was very frustrating to read.

I hated the structure of the book, also. It was told in little vignettes, a lot of which didn't make sense. There were huge gaps in the story. There was no continuity from one chapter to the next. Plus important events in Sophie's life were just given a passing mention. If these events were explored more I think I would have felt much more for her.

This was, yet again, a book that I finished only because I cannot stand not finishing a book. 

1 out of 5 stars

The Wonder Spot

1 comment:

  1. sorry you had to read it but happy for thise you have warned!
